Sunday, October 23, 2005

Howdy Folks -- Welcome to the State Fair of Texas


That's what Big Tex says when you see him at the State Fair. The State Fair is truly an event! We love it. Since Tom and I met, we haven't missed a year. (Granted we have only gone 3 times together now, but I bet we have each gone about 20 times before that.) This is Tom and his dad smiling big. It was a great day.
Yes, it like walking through infomercials gone mad, but it is so much fun. You see all the stuff you can't live without (but find a way to somehow manange!) and you eat stuff you would never dream of in real life. Sausage on a stick, cotton candy, and corny dogs (ok I'd eat that in real life, but never do.) They had fried peanut butter, jelly and banana sandwiches this year. Last year it was the fried Twinkie. I wonder what the rave will be next year. I can't hardly wait! Posted by Picasa


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